Hi all,

Here's a short status update on the port of Softwarenaut to Pharo for those interested.

Here is a screenshot of Softwarenaut visualizing itself: http://cl.ly/image/073a0B0z3N15

We see all the classes as nodes, their size corresponds to their weights (which is LOC in this example). The Treemaps are constructed with the classes children, which are methods, their weight also based on LOC.
The relationships are the propagated invocations from each class to the others.

The nodes are manually laid out in the screenshot. One of the next steps will be to find some clever layouting mechanism for nodes of different sizes with relationships between them.

Here is another screenshot of FAMIX


Using the same parameters as the visualization used for the Softwarenaut screenshot but arranged in a circle layout.

If anyone has any question don't hesitate to ask.
