Doru, I can write an entry on your blog if you wish.
Problem: Some packages related to the Algorithm have wrongly packaged dependencies. This create problem when these algos are loaded and not Roassal.
A solution to this problem:
1 - I've open a Moose panel, imported all the packages that match *Algo* and *Roassal-*
2 - Open a Roassal easel on the model packages and do it the following visualization:
| ps moosePaks roassalPaks lbl |
ps := packageGroup select: [ :p | p name beginsWith: 'Moose' ].
moosePaks := view node: 'Moose' forIt:
view shape rectangle size: #numberOfClasses.
view interaction action: #inspect.
view nodes: ps ].
ROConstraint stick: (lbl := (ROLabel text: 'Moose') element) onTheRightOf: moosePaks.
view raw add: lbl.
roassalPaks := view node: 'Roassal' forIt:
view shape rectangle size: #numberOfClasses.
view nodes: (packageGroup select: [ :p | p name beginsWith: 'Roassal' ]) ].
ROConstraint stick: (lbl := (ROLabel text: 'Roassal') element) onTheRightOf: roassalPaks.
view raw add: lbl.
view shape bezierLine color: Color red.
view interaction item: 'browse' action: [ :assoc | (assoc key methods select: [ :m | m querySureOutgoingInvocations atPackageScope includes: assoc value ] ) inspect ].
view edges: ps from: #yourself toAll: [ :p | p querySureOutgoingInvocations atPackageScope ].
view verticalLineLayout center verticalGap: 100.
I obtain the following screenshot:
Right clicking on a line gives me the list of culprit methods. This view is handy I've find.
3 - I have manually repackaged the culprit methods. For examples, some methods deserved to be move in some of the Roassal packages
4 - I imported again the new version of the packages, run the visualization and I get:
5 - Again, I have inspected each edge, and fixed the problem. The final visualization is
Problem solved!
Hi all,
We are checking the build server for failed tests, checking what the problem is:
I found problems in Glamour. It used a wrong symbol in its configuration, that caused CollectionExtensions not to load. It caused test fails in GToolkit.
I found problems with method categories. There are some tests, that are more or less roassal tests, or at least use roassal, so do not belong in Moose-Algos. I think some methods should be moved to *roassal-paintings … or maybe *roassal-moose-algos and the tests should move along with them. I cannot write in roassal,
if someone gives me a good method category and write access to roassal, I will move these methods.
I found failed tests in Orion, but it looks like we caused them with our change in moose entity, so I will take a closer look and fix it, or write another mail.
Stephan and Diego
Moose-dev mailing list
Alexandre Bergel^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;._,.;:~^~:;.