Hi Jura

2013/5/13 Juraj Kubelka <juraj.kubelka@gmail.com>
Hi Jannik,

thanks for the feedback. Answers are below. 

2013/5/13 jannik laval <jannik.laval@gmail.com>
Hi jura,

I tried in 5 minutes your work, and it is really nice to see DSM on roassal.
I pointed some small problems:
- an enriched DSM cannot be scrolled. There are no scrollbars.

Yes. There are no scrollbars. It is going to be implemented in Roassal. You should be able to scroll it by mouse if you press left mouse and move.

Not really, because, when I press left mouse and move, it moves the square I selected.
- when I double click on a red cell in a dsm, it should open an enriched DSM with only two red cells.

I have fixed it. There is not double click event in Roassal. For that reason I moved it to context menu. And I think It is more convenient (easily to find it). I have not supposed a double click action. I have searched for other actions in context menu. Are you fine with this solution?

Yes, I saw that. But when clicking on a red cell, it should open a dsm with only 2 red cells. In your implementation, you do not defferentiate red cells and other cells of a strongly connected component: it opens the strongly connected component.

- in cycle table, the header of each line has no title.

You are right. I have removed it because even in Mondrian it was unreadable. The text is always much bigger then the cell. In Roassal we cannot crop the label and when I tried to crop it, there was no useful information. The information is visible from tooltip. Is it ok for you?

Ok, no problem :)

Thank you for the work.



2013/5/7 Juraj Kubelka <juraj.kubelka@gmail.com>

I have transformed DSM, DSM Numbered, Dependencies (cycles), Mini Cycle Table, Number DSM, enriched Cycle Table, Cycle Table, enriched DSM, encaps DSM into Roassal.

I would appreciate if someone can revise it.


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~~Dr. Jannik Laval~~
École des Mines de Douai

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~~Dr. Jannik Laval~~
École des Mines de Douai