Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Pierre just finished a first version of Kiviat in Roassal. Here are some example:
b := RTKiviatBuilder new.
b objects: RTAbstractCircleLayout withAllSubclasses.
n := RTMultiLinearColorForIdentity new objects: (b objects).
b shape circle color: [ :value | n rtValue: value named]; size: 10.
b addMetric: #numberOfLinesOfCode.
b addMetric: #numberOfMethods.
b addMetric: #numberOfVariables.
b activatePolygons.
b build.
It would be great to have feedback on this!
Thanks Pierre. It looks very nice. I'm not in a position to play with it just now, so I'll just go for the low hanging fruit.
Q: Is the 'Kiviat' name more descriptive / intention revealing than 'RadarChart' or 'SpiderChart' , which is the more common name I know for this type of chart. Also per wikipedia...
I never heard of Kiviat. My search's first non-wikidpedia page is about code metrics... is 'Kiviat' domain specific terminology for programming?
But are you wanting a wider audience? So maybe consider a rename? :)
cheers -ben
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