Hi Ben,

yes we could consider a rename if RadarChart is more relevant and more common. The idea just came with 'kiviat'. Googleing kiviat chart gives you the Radar chart wikipedia page so... Or maybe because the equivalent french wikipedia page is named 'Diagramme de Kiviat' and influenced me. ;)


2014-11-20 22:57 GMT-03:00 Ben Coman <btc@openinworld.com>:
Alexandre Bergel wrote:

Pierre just finished a first version of Kiviat in Roassal. Here are some example:

b := RTKiviatBuilder new.

b objects: RTAbstractCircleLayout withAllSubclasses.

n := RTMultiLinearColorForIdentity new objects: (b objects).
b shape circle color: [ :value | n rtValue: value named]; size: 10.

b addMetric: #numberOfLinesOfCode.
b addMetric: #numberOfMethods.
b addMetric: #numberOfVariables.

b activatePolygons.

b build.

It would be great to have feedback on this!


Thanks Pierre. It looks very nice.  I'm not in a position to play with it just now, so I'll just go for the low hanging fruit.

Q: Is the 'Kiviat' name more descriptive / intention revealing than 'RadarChart' or 'SpiderChart' , which is the more common name I know for this type of chart. Also per wikipedia...

I never heard of Kiviat.  My search's first non-wikidpedia page is about code metrics...

...so is 'Kiviat' domain specific terminology for programming?
But are you wanting a wider audience? So maybe consider a rename? :)

cheers -ben

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