then each subcollection can re-implement #asString for displaying label from a representative or a sum, etc.Instead of doing #objects, and then #slice: , I have a collection of collections and then added a simple method based on #slice:I really like it, thanks Alex for such nice work!As you guessed, I have some need of a separated column for labels, as shown here :
RTPieBuilder>>groupedObjects: groupedCollection
| es |
objects := groupedCollection.
values := groupedCollection collect: #size.
sum := values sum.
es := self elementsOn: groupedCollection.
view addAll: es.
^ es
By the way how did you get the transparency effect?Cheers,
Hernán_______________________________________________2014-08-02 22:10 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Bergel <>:
Hi Hernán,I did a bit of programming today and did a PieBuilder. Here are some example:-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=b := RTPieBuilder new.
b interaction popup.
b objects: RTShape withAllSubclasses.
b slice: #numberOfMethods.
b globalRule distinctColor.
b labelledIf: [ :c | c numberOfMethods > 18 ].
b view-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<Screen Shot 2014-08-02 at 9.06.39 PM.png>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=| b |
b := RTPieBuilder new.
b interaction popup.
b objects: (Array with: Dictionary with: Collection with: Set with: OrderedCollection ).
b slice: #numberOfMethods.
b globalRule distinctColor.
b labelled.
b emphasize: Set by: 20.
b emphasize: Dictionary by: 20.
b open.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=<Screen Shot 2014-08-02 at 9.07.54 PM.png>Some example have been added to the Roassal example browser, available from the World menu.<Screen Shot 2014-08-02 at 9.05.15 PM.png>This is just a beginning. I made these example without a clear scenario in mind. If you come with a specific need, probably you will be able to adjust the PieBuilder. For example, you may want to particularize the position of the labelingCheers,Alexandre
On Jul 28, 2014, at 6:29 PM, Hernán Morales Durand <> wrote:
Thanks Alex,
I did not finished reading the chapter about RTBuilder yet. But regardless of the GraphET2 scope, having a pie diagram builder is important for Pharo (I don't know the status of PieChartMorph but I will check).
I have tried two different directions. One is adding a RTLabel to each sector shape in #getElementsFromModels
label := RTLabel new text: model key.
shape := shape + label.
| diag |
diag := GET2DiagramBuilder new.
(diag pieDiagram)
function: #value;
models: {'A' -> 30 . 'B' -> 10 . 'C' -> 20 . 'D' -> 40};
color: [ Color random ].
^ diag open.
Another one is using #modelLabels: to add labels to axis:
| diag |
diag := GET2DiagramBuilder new.
(diag pieDiagram)
modelLabels: #key;
function: #value;
models: {'A' -> 30 . 'B' -> 10 . 'C' -> 20 . 'D' -> 40};
color: [ Color random ].
^ diag open.
but none of them positions the labels nicely. If anyone wants to comment would be very welcome :)
2014-07-26 14:14 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Bergel <>:
Hi Hernán,
Thanks for your effort. This is very valuable.
However, I am not sure a pie diagram should be part of GraphET. A pie is radically different from a curve. Maybe subclassing the class RTBuilder is the way to go. You will then not be constraint by GraphET for the labeling...
On Jul 25, 2014, at 8:41 PM, Hernán Morales Durand <> wrote:
> Hello
> I am trying GET2 pieDiagram builder. You may want to add a random color in the #pieExample method so it looks nicer (see attachment):
> | diag |
> diag := GET2DiagramBuilder new.
> (diag pieDiagram)
> models: #(30 10 20 40);
> color: [ Color random ].
> ^ diag open.
> Now my question is simple, but I don't know how to start
> How would you add labels to each sector?
> Hernán
> <PieChart_1.png>_______________________________________________
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