Unfortunately this attach points are needlessly complex as they were organically added and need some love/refactoring.

One thing you could try to do is to create a new attach point, that would delegate one end to one type of attach point (RTCenteredAttachPoint) and the other one to other one (RTShorterDistanceAttachPoint), or just copy/paste the code.

There is complexity if you want it to follow the shapes exactly, what kind of line it is, etc... as I said, refactoring needed. :)


On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 5:41 PM, Ben Coman <btc@openinworld.com> wrote:
How feasible is it to get different attachpoints at each end of an edge?
This seems not possible at the moment since   RTAbstractLine only has
a single 'attachPoint' ivar.  Specifically I am wanting
and  to-end==>nearestEdge.

cheers -ben
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