
using Roassal2 I would like to get a box with some nested element on it and the box get a label above itself.

I tried this but it is not working

view := RTView new.

container := (RTVerticalCompositeShape new
shape1: RTLabel new;
shape2: (RTBox new color: (Color blue alpha: 0.5)))
elementOn: 'Container'.
els := RTEllipse new elementsOn: (1 to: 16).
view add: container; addAll: els.

RTNest new layout: RTGridLayout; on: container nest: els.

view @ RTDraggableView.
view open

As you can see the label is not move due to the resize of the box with the nest.

I do not use TRConstraint because I will have several boxes and if I apply a layout on them the label is not calculate in the size so I do not think this is a solution but RTNest on RTVerticalCompositeShape is. 

Leo Perard
University of Lille 1