
**Important Disclaimer**: Please consider this an alpha draft. Information depicted is not yet verified or the final one.

Here is the last version of this:

Still we need to explain color conventions (nothing difficult), but the matrix sunburst plus rotated labels (+ color conventions) is a concise way for having a quick overview of what's happening on information of considerable size. The interactive matrix sunburst lets the user to put the mouse over a particular part of the grid and obtain some details. The idea was to visualize gaps or absences of information (with the color white), and who and what is being publishing (or not) in the case of some drugs and medicines.

Despite of being public information, is sensible one, so we need to triple check everything before releasing the data (specially that labels correspond the the labeled columns! and that all is consistent). My friend, who is the domain expert on drugs and medicine is now taking her end of year vacations, but she is willing to put data and visualizations released as open research. Code has been published already on Smalltalkhub under the DataViz project, but we plan to release code, data, and maybe some small companion grafoscopio notebook integrating both, to make complete sense of the package.

As soon as I have the details worked out, I plan to blog about how agile visualization and Roassal can help in building specific domain visualizations, used in this case for understanding health information publishing issues.

This is a small preview of how interactive documentation, data visualization and open science & research have a fertile landscape in the Pharo ecosystem.

I will let you know how this advances and, as always, thanks for all the help.


On 24/12/15 17:13, Alexandre Bergel wrote:


Le 24 déc. 2015 à 14:08, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <offray.luna@mutabit.com> a écrit :

Thanks Milton!

It works like a charm :-)




On 24/12/15 10:01, milton mamani wrote:
Hi Offray

Can you try the next piece of code.

| view center data diameter angle gap |
diameter := 100.
gap := 5.
view := RTView new.
data := #('lion-o' 'tigro' 'chitara' 'munra' 'ozimandias' 'Dr Manhatan').

center := RTEllipse new
size: diameter;
color: Color white;
borderColor: Color veryLightGray.
view add: center element.
1 to: data size do: [ :index | | label |
angle := (index * 360/ data size) degreesToRadians.
label := (RTRotatedLabel new
text: (data at: index);
height: 5) element.
label translateBy: (Point r: label trachelShape notRotatedWidth/2+(diameter/2)+gap theta: angle).
view add: label.
angle := angle radiansToDegrees.
angle := angle + ((angle between: 90 and: 270)  ifTrue: [ 180 ] ifFalse: [ 0 ]).
label trachelShape angleInDegree: angle.



2015-12-23 20:36 GMT-04:00 Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <offray.luna@mutabit.com>:

I'm trying to understand the code behind the figure here to rotate labels:


So, I made a minimal example to start with, here (code is at http://ws.stfx.eu/N6ZG4BAIBO00 )


Now I would like to rotate the text to made it look like the first image. I presume that the code that made this possible for the first case is this one:

RTBundleBuilder>>createLabelFor: e view: aView
    | lbl |
    lbl := label elementOn: e model.
    self interaction setUpElement: lbl.
    aView add: lbl.
    e addCallback: (TRTranslationCallback new block: [
        | angle |
        angle := (e position - center ) theta.
        lbl translateTo: e position+((lbl trachelShape notRotatedWidth/2) * (angle cos @ angle sin)).
        angle := angle radiansToDegrees.
        angle := angle + ((angle between: 90 and: 270)  ifTrue: [ 180 ] ifFalse: [ 0 ]).
        lbl trachelShape angleInDegree: angle ] ).
    e translateTo: e position.

but I can not quite understand the lines

lbl translateTo: e position+((lbl trachelShape notRotatedWidth/2) * (angle cos @ angle sin)).


angle := angle + ((angle between: 90 and: 270)  ifTrue: [ 180 ] ifFalse: [ 0 ]).

Could some body explain me how to incorporate rotation to the first basic example at http://ws.stfx.eu/N6ZG4BAIBO00 (second image of this mail).



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