Hi Cris,Indeed, CK Metrics should be one-click away from a Moose Model.I have just implemented many of the CK metrics in the latest version of Moose (I updated Famix-Extensions in fact).Is this what you had in Mind?Cheers,AlexandreOn Feb 20, 2017, at 1:48 PM, Cris Fuhrman <fuhrmanator@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm wondering if it's in the scope of Moose to get to the standard CK metrics for a model? It seems it's been done experimentally (https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/0eb2/ ) and I also found the momfe paper from 2002 (http://scg.unibe.ch/archive/14ec7c6288dc13564580beafc2609b 09118b.pdf projects/Bute02a.pdf ) but appeared not to have all the CK metrics.
I also found the right-click on a Moose Model -> Export -> Export model to MSE, but there was nothing that looked like standard CK metrics in the exported file.
We are particularly trying to generate CBO (for a research comparison) for a few classes and would like to be able to do all our work in Moose if possible (especially with the visualizations in a RTView).
C. Fuhrman
On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 11:58 AM, Hernán Morales Durand <hernan.morales@gmail.com > wrote:
Hi guys,
Do you have good reference links to publications (yours or from other people) which uses Moose metrics for example in a "Material and Methods" section?
I mean *not* Moose projects publications (projects derived from Moose), but those projects which uses Moose analysis to report Cyclomatic Complexity, Halstead Length, WMC, DIT, CBO, etc . I want to see what and how people reports metrics for a software project using Moose. If publication is in a Journal outside of the field of Software Engineering field that would be better.
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