On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 6:37 PM, Dale Henrichs <dhenrich@vmware.com> wrote:
On 04/25/2011 09:12 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
Hi Dale. I guess you are already aware of...but ... SUPPOSE that Glamour
is enough for your needs. Glamour can result in plain Morphic but also
in seaside. So would be able to have both flavors: image based in
Glamour for those who want everything image based, and a web alternative
(for example for Gemstone).
But...I have no idea how stable/complete the GlamourWeb is, nor if it
contains what you need.

And finally, did you consider SeasideXUL ?  But I guess it may happens
what you don't want: spend more time in the  framework than in your job :(

I don't have Glamour ported to GemStone (has it been ported to Squeak?) and I don't know if I gain in the end ... Can one build a wizard in Glamour ? ... I've spent a lot of time trying to bend OmniBrowser to my will, but there are some things that are just not easy to do in OmniBrowser ... I don't know myself if Glamour can do what i have in mind or how much bending to my will it will take:)

I don't know that neither.
If someone built a wizard in Glamour for creating a complex configuration (like Seaside or Moose) then it might be enough to motivate my to attempt the port:)

But if is up to me, I am going to go with something I already know (I just don't have enough time to do what I know, let alone what I don't know)

I already pretty much know what I would have to do to do a wizard for a web browser ...

I appreciate the suggestions to use framework x, y, or z to solve the problem, but I am not an expert in any of the frameworks, and if a framework isn't ported to GemStone is it worth porting the framework to GemStone only to find that it doesn't fill the bill? Conversely if I build the wizard in technology z and then find out that it is very difficult to port to GemStone, where am I?

If fact, what I was thinking is that from Glamour you can generate the Seaside output, so for Gemstone you don't need to port anything, just use the seaside components generated from Glamour (be careful, this is how I think Glamour-seaside works but maybe I am wrong and you need glamour anyway)
Using a web framework I am very confident that I could get a model/ui built that does the job and is portable to all three platforms ... I can't say that (with confidence) for any other approach...

Sure. But it is realy really bad to see we don't have a single way of creating portable browsers/wizzard or whatever they are called between 3 dialects.
