The implementation of GLMPresentation>>#selection: seems strange. I would move the check "self acceptsSelection ifFalse: [^ self]." after setting the value in the rawSelection port. This way the selected value if still in the rawSelected port but no transmission is triggered. This change doesn't break any of the existing tests, so we will need to add also a new one :)Cheers,AndreiOn Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 1:04 PM, Nicolai Hess <> wrote:2014-12-02 11:22 GMT+01:00 Christophe Demarey <>:
Le 28 nov. 2014 à 11:47, Christophe Demarey a écrit :
Any idea why it does not work?
> Le 28 nov. 2014 à 09:26, Christophe Demarey a écrit :
>> Le 28 nov. 2014 à 07:21, Tudor Girba a écrit :
>>> You can send noSelection to the presentation and get the result in the #rawSelection port.
>> oh, I miss the rawSelection port. Thanks
> It does not work. The rawSelection also has a nil value if I send noSelection to the presentation
I don't know why this does not work, (or why it is build that way,in GLMPresentation>>#selection: the transmission for rawSelections is omitted, if #acceptsSelections is false)But looking at the pragma inspector pane (for compiled methods) for example, it looks like you can add a special inspector
pane that handles selection without opening another (inspector-)pane.The Pragma inspector shows two lists, a list of pragmas of this method. And a list of methods using this pragma.If you select an entry in the list of pragmas, there is no new (inspector-)pane, just a new pane in this Pragam-tab.Here is an example, that I made similiar to the code in the Pragma-Inspect, but
here I use it as another implementation for a collection inspector. add this method at the Collection class.
gtInspectorItemsInX: composite
<gtInspectorPresentationOrder: 30>
composite tabulator
title: 'Collection inspector';
with: [ :t |
row: [ :r |
column: #items;
column: #text ];
row: #object.
t transmit
to: #items;
andShow: [ :a | a list ].
t transmit
to: #object;
andShow: [ :a | a text display:[:x | 'nothing here'] ].
t transmit
to: #text;
andShow: [ :a | a text display:[:x | 'nothing here'] ].
t transmit
from: #items;
to: #text;
andShow: [ :a | a text display: [ :x | (GTObjectPrinter new asTruncatedTextFrom: x) asString ] ].
t transmit
from: #items;
to: #object;
andShow: [ :a |
(GTObjectVariablesBrowser new) ] ]
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