+2I actually have this in my todo list, but never got around to do it (yet).It also seems that everybody is making state machine visualizations these days. :)
On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 3:46 PM, Johan Fabry <jfabry@dcc.uchile.cl> wrote:A big +1 on this. It would be excellent for the state machine visualization that I’m drawing in LRP.On Jul 1, 2015, at 10:36, Tudor Girba <tudor@tudorgirba.com> wrote:Hi,I know the bezier lines, but they serve a different purpose.I am looking for something like this:<curved-lines.png>The line bends with an angle (that can be specified) relative to the direction of the edge.Cheers,DoruOn Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 2:58 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel@me.com> wrote:Roassal offers an easy way to define bezier lines.Check:exampleDynamicBezierEdgesOther example, contained in the example:-=-=-=-=-=-=v := RTView new.
shape := RTEllipse new size: 10; color: (Color purple alpha: 0.3).
els := (shape elementsOn: (1 to: 6)) @ RTDraggable.
v addAll: els .
RTHorizontalLineLayout on: v elements.
edge := (RTBezierLine new controllingElements: v elements) edgeFrom: els first to: els last.
v add: edge.
v-=-=-=-=-=-=<Screen Shot 2015-07-01 at 9.57.57 AM.png>But I guess you know these example. How would you define these curved lines?Alexandre_______________________________________________On Jul 1, 2015, at 9:36 AM, Tudor Girba <tudor@tudorgirba.com> wrote:
I would like to draw a simple curved line. The idea would be to offer a simple way to deal with edges that come from or to other place.
Roassal2 seems to not support this right now (at least not anymore). Do I miss something?
"Every thing has its own flow"
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