This is what we have actually. RTAxisConfiguration and RTAxisRenderer are instead used by Grapher and Kiviat.
Well spotted!
I replaced referenced of “histogram” by “bar chart"
These names are a bit long
Yes, could be.
This is something that I have thought a lot. I agree with you in principle. However, having the Grapher modular with the maximum reuse is not the big challenge I see right now. Big things are missing in Grapher now, that may have an impact on the whole design. For example, consider the script:
b := RTGrapher new.
b extent: 200 @ 200.
ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
ds points: #(-0.5 1).
ds barShape width: 30.
b add: ds.
b axisX noLabel; noTick.
The produced graph is the following:
The X-axis is not on the 0 value. And this is a big problem. You can always fiddle with the number of ticks, the minimum and maximum values, but this has to be done manually. Excel does it automatically. Unfortunately, the algorithm behind is not simple (this is an optimization problem, for which there are even some research paper).
Another problem I see, is to have logarithmic scale. Actually, I suspect there is no major difficulty, excepting finding the time to do it.
Having smart ticks and logarithmic scales are the priority for now. Once we have this, we may rethink about the whole architecture.