Ah, it would be great then if I could get access to the work he has done so far and work with him together or finish his work. I will definitely need a treemap for my current project, so that would be cool.
Currently, the tree map layout is not supported in Mondrian. The class you see is no more than a mere legacy code.
Nicolás, one student I had at the University of Chile, has worked on a tree map. Unfortunately, a bit of work is still needed to make it usable. It would be cool to see this happen.
> _______________________________________________
On 8 Feb 2012, at 12:47, Dennis Schenk wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm playing around with Mondrian and want to use a treemap layout of a graph.
> I didn't find any examples and tried some things, but could not get the layout to work.
> At the moment I have something like this:
> ...
> view nodes: self nodes.
> view edges: self nodes
> from: [ :each | each ]
> toAll: [ :each | each children ].
> view layout: MOTreeMapLayout new.
> Which produces nothing that makes sense.
> Could anyone give me some pointers on how to use the MOTreeMapLayout correctly?
> Thanks,
> Dennis
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