Hi!I am not sure to understand. Why do you use a GraphBuilder?
I think I have spotted something. For example:-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=v := RTView new.shape := RTShapeBuilder new.shape shape: (RTEllipse new color: Color gray; size: 40).el := (RTElement on: 1).el + shape.v add: el.el @ RTDraggable.el2 := (RTElement on: 2).el2 + shape.v add: el2.el2 @ RTDraggable.lineShape := (RTLine new color: Color red) "+ (RTSimpleArrowHead new color: Color red)".l := lineShape edgeFrom: el to: el2.v add: l.RTCellLayout on: b view elements.v-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Uncommenting behaves oddly. I will look into this...Alexandre--
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
On Nov 19, 2014, at 11:57 AM, jannik laval <jannik.laval@gmail.com> wrote:Hi Alex,I have some problems with displaying edges.I have difficulties to reproduce things outside my application. But I am trying to add arrows. So when I do:(RTLine new color: Color red) + (RTSimpleArrowHead new color: Color red),the text that follow the + brake my visualization: the arrow is wrongly placed.If I remove the + (RTSimpleArrowHead new color: Color red), it works fine.When I tried to reproduce it, I created an example that does not work, I do not understand why:===b := RTGraphBuilder new.shape := RTShapeBuilder new.shape shape: (RTEllipse new color: Color gray; size: 40).el := (RTElement on: 1).el + shape.b view add: el.el2 := (RTElement on: 2).el2 + shape.b view add: el2.l := RTEdge from: el to: el2.b view add: l.RTCellLayout on: b view elements.b build.b open===--~~Jannik Laval~~
École des Mines de Douai
~~Jannik Laval~~
École des Mines de Douai