Today on [1] I read this:
But, more important than technology is the humane face of Moose. Great ideas come from a state of play in which the current state of facts is taken apart and put together in a new way. That is why Moose is not a fixed thing, but a continuously moving target defined by what the community decides to play with. The only steady concern is to offer at every moment a set of engineered toys and the proper environment for a joyful and perhaps a successful play. All the rest is left for us, the players.
[1] http://www.themoosebook.org/book/philosophy/research
But I feel like playing along with my ideas in Moose. It doesn't matter if I change the way I ask, from time to time my questions get no answer and I revisit the bitter sweet experience of learning Moose.
Several weeks ago I asked several questions about Moose. The "+1 consensus" was about asking simpler, so I did. Still I got no answer.
I can understand that a direct question to a specific person gets no answer. Hell I'm pretty bad at addressing that questions when are directed to myself from time to time, but an open question for the whole community with only "+1" as the "collective" answer and then silence, even if I try to implement the suggestions for asking in another way can be very... not encouraging.
Today I'm still wondering why or how I can't tell a tree to show the contents only if the node is selected, but I get error traces and lost of information by selecting an empty part of the tree to which my custom browser doesn't know how to respond to.
Today I'm feeling there is no "us" in "players" for Moose, specially if you're a newbie... only "you" the "single player".
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