I have removed the Whitespace Theme from the default setup
of Moose and Glamorous Toolkit.
Here are the reasons:
- The theme is judged through the point of view of
Nautilus. It is true that Nautilus does not look good. This is
rather unfortunate given that it seems to be irrelevant that
Nautilus does not good regardless of the theme, but that is
life and I want to move on.
- The recent negative discourses mixed concerns about GT
with the one about the theme. While I still consider theme-ing
a relevant topic, GT is an order of magnitude more important
and I would like to keep the discussion clean to help us focus
on what is important.
At the moment, this means that the Pharo theme will be
used. This will change as soon as another theme will work with
Nautilus, or until we have a replacement coding experience.
I hope we can go forward with a constructive mindset again.
"Every thing has its own flow"