2015-04-07 2:12 GMT+02:00 Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <offray@riseup.net>:
Hi all,

On [1] you can see a small video showing the support for word clouds and data scrapping from Twitter for some public profiles (including mine). As you can see the visualization is embedded on grafoscopio trees/documents that provide context for the scripts and combine them with other documentation. You can create your own visualization by running the code at [2] and changing the profile name.

[1] https://archive.org/details/gfcp-wordclouds-initial.mp4
[2] http://ws.stfx.eu/DVG4C8VFON1L

So here are my usual questions:

a) The code that puts an image in a name cloud accepts only png images and when the avatar has jpeg images I got an error. There is any way to make the RTNameCloud to work with jpg or to convert it to png. I was looking at Sven's documentation[3], but I can't make it work in my context (jpeg is taken from the web and converted to png without using the file system).

Why do you need a png ? The R TNameCloud does not use a image on its own, its your code that adds a RTBitmap, and as far as I can see, the RTBitmap
only works with "Form".

[3] https://medium.com/concerning-pharo/elegant-pharo-code-bb590f0856d0

b) There is any way to go beyond 19 tweets. In recent conversations with Paul[4] he taught me how to extract tweets properly from a page using ZnClient, but it gets the last 19. There is any way to make ZnClient to go beyond that initial request and get, lets say 100 or more tweets?

[4] http://forum.world.st/Data-scrapping-in-pharo-Extracting-tweets-contents-td4817746.html

Thanks as always for keeping Pharo/Moose and their communities awesome!

