I committed a version.
I tried to create some tests but, in its current form, its difficult to test the titles of the entities in a distribution map.
On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 5:25 PM, Usman Bhatti <usman.bhatti@gmail.com> wrote:
Thats correct. We need to clean this code, its a implementation method that somehow proliferated into the abstract class.I'll take care of it.I think we already discussed about integrated Kontract in Moose on this list. Otherwise, we should look for another alternative to achieve word contraction task.
regards,UsmanOn Thu, May 31, 2012 at 5:10 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck@gmail.com> wrote:
_______________________________________________AbstractDistributionMap >> defaultTitleFormattingBlock
^ [ :each |
| t |
t := each.
(t beginsWith: 'Citezen-')
ifTrue: [ t := t copyReplaceAll: 'Citezen-' with: 'C' ].
(t beginsWith: 'Seaside-')
ifTrue: [ t := t copyReplaceAll: 'Seaside-' with: 'S' ].
t := t copyReplaceAll: 'Tests-' with: 'T-'.
"t := (Kontract reduce: t upTo: 10)."
t ]
On the one hand, it hardcodes stuff like Citizen or Seaside. But what is worse is that that Kontract does not exist...
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