thanks a lot for the quick answer. The umlClass is now fix but i still have some problem with my stuff:
| builder |
builder := MOFormsBuilder new.
builder column; fill.
builder row; fill; row; fill; row; fill.
builder x: 1 y: 1 add: ((MORectangleShape new withText) text: [ :cls | cls name ]; fontSize: 10; textPadding: 2; textAlignment: #center).
builder x: 1 y: 2 add: (MORectangleShape new text: [ :cls |
cls attributes asArray inject: '' into: [ :sum :el | sum , el name , String cr ] ]; fontSize: 6; textVerticalPadding: 2; textAlignment: #left).
builder x: 1 y: 3 add: (MORectangleShape new text: [ :cls |
cls methods asArray inject: '' into: [ :sum :el | sum , el name , String cr ] ]; fontSize: 6; textVerticalPadding: 2; textAlignment: #left).
^ view shape: builder shape
that basically visualized not only the methods but also the attributes of the class i have the following results: