
Just to share our latest feature. 
We have implemented a simple mechanism in Roassal to prevent the environment to be sluggish with many elements.

The class RTCache has the effect to remove the elements from a view, create a bitmap from them, and add the bitmap to the view. Simple and effective.
Consider the following script:

v := RTView new.
v @ RTDraggableView.

colors := ColorPalette qualitative colors: 8 scheme:'Set1'.

elements := (RTEllipse new color: [ :aValue | colors atRandom alpha: 0.01 ]; size: #yourself) elementsOn: ((1 to: 500000) collect: [ :vv | 10 atRandom + 5 ]).
elements do: [ :e | e translateTo: 500 atRandom @ 500 atRandom ].
v addAll: elements.

RTCache new cacheView: v.

Without the line "RTCache new cacheView: v.” Pharo would be completely unresponsive. 500 000 elements is quite a lot.

The drawback is that all interaction with the elements are lost. I have some idea on how to add them back. We will work on this in future work.

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu