On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 10:00 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel@me.com> wrote:
How can I reproduce this bug? What do you do exactly?
With this example you can reproduce it easily :

view := RTView new.
box := RTBox new color: Color green.
label := RTLabel new.
el := (RTCompositeShape new shape1: box; shape2: label).
el :=  (RTHorizontalCompositeShape new shape1: el; shape2: (RTEllipse new color: Color red)) elementOn: 'Hello World'.
view add: el.

view addMenu: 'Color' callback: [ el shape shape2 color: Color blue. el update. view signalUpdate ].

view open 

And even if I don't have a composite shape composed with another composite shape, the update is not good.
Leo Perard