
it would be good to have the edge not to the center but to the border of the shape.

On 08 Apr 2014, at 16:05, Alexandre Bergel <> wrote:

I started to script the visualization in Roassal 2. But I have the following missing:

- RODynamicEdge (and ROMondrianInteractionBuilder>>dynamicEdgeFromAll: aBlockOrSymbol using: aShape)
- ROArrow

Just yesterday I have introduced RTShowEdge, which is a nice replacement of RODynamicEdge.

Try the following:
| v es |
v := RTView new.
es := ((RTEllipse new size: 30) + RTLabel) elementsOn: (1 to: 20).
v addAll: es.
RTCircleLayout on: es.

es @ (RTShowEdge new connectTo: [ :value | value - 5 to: value + 5]).


| v es |
v := RTView new.
es := ((RTEllipse new size: 30) + RTLabel) elementsOn: (1 to: 20).
v addAll: es.
RTCircleLayout new initialRadius: 150; on: es.

es @ (RTShowEdge new connectTo: [ :value | value - 5 to: value + 5]; shape: (RTLine new color: (Color blue alpha: 0.4))).

Here is a screenshot:
<Screen Shot 2014-04-08 at 10.54.21 AM.png>

And if you are in a curvy mood, you can do:
| v es |
v := RTView new.
es := ((RTEllipse new size: 30) + RTLabel) elementsOn: (1 to: 20).
v addAll: es.
RTCircleLayout new initialRadius: 150; on: es.

es @ (RTShowEdge new connectTo: [ :value | value - 5 to: value + 5]; shape: [ :el | RTBezierLine new centerOfObjects: (el model - 5 to: el model +5) inView: v; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.4) ] ).

<Screen Shot 2014-04-08 at 11.04.31 AM.png>

We are currently working on RTArrow, we will be done by today or tomorrow I think…

Alexandre Bergel

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