With Cyril, we discovered that MooseEntity >> children behavior is not as expected. It collects all the items defined in the meta meta model: not only the children but the parents too…
childrenEntities should be used instead and consequently TMetaLevelDependency should be defined on MooseEntity.
Moreover, #children is also defined on the subclasses of FAMIXScopingEntity as a "Polymorphic accessor to children of this scope in a hierarchical structure (package->subpackages, scope->subscopes)".
Cyril and I suggest to deprecate these 3 methods (in FAMIXScopingEntity, FAMIXNamespace, FAMIXPackage) to “childrenOfMyKind”, and to change in FAMIXPackage, isKindOf: in allWithSubTypeOf:.
Cyril will do the changes next week.