Ah yes!!!!

Good point!
I forgot this point.

Would it make sense to have a check as follows?

| navProps definedProps |
self mooseDescription ifNil: [ Error signal: 'Moose description are not initialized. Have you refreshed the meta-model? (e.g., MooseModel resetMeta)' ].
navProps := (Pragma allNamed: #navigation: from: self class to: MooseEntity)
sorted: [ :a :b | (a argumentAt: 1) < (b argumentAt: 1) ].
definedProps := (self mooseDescription allAttributes reject: [ :a | a type isPrimitive ])
flatCollect: [ :prop | 
(prop mmClass implementingClass >> prop implementingSelector) pragmas
select: [ :each | each keyword beginsWith: 'MSEProperty:' ] ].
^ (OrderedCollection withAll: definedProps)
addAll: navProps;

I can commit. 

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

On Mar 12, 2015, at 12:16 PM, Tudor Girba <tudor@tudorgirba.com> wrote:

Yes, that's enough. But, if you created these classes from scratch, you should also ensure that you refresh the meta-model :).

You can do it from the menu of the Meta Browser, or you can just execute:
MooseModel resetMeta


On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 3:58 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel@me.com> wrote:

I am building a small meta-models for c++ analysis.
I have created a class called PCPPFunction, a subclass of MooseEntity. (I know there is a FAMIXFunction, but the PCPPFunction is radically different from FAMIXFunction because if contains many information about dynamic analysis).

When I visualize instance of PCPPFunction, and I click on one, I get an error:

<Screen Shot 2015-03-12 at 11.53.08 AM.png>

I guess I did not properly define the metamodel behind. But I do not see what is wrong. Here are the definitions:

PCPPObject class>>annotation
<MSEClass: #PCPPObject super: #MooseEntity>
<package: #ProfilerCPP>
^ self

PCPPFunction class>>annotation
<MSEClass: #PCPPFunction super: #PCPPObject>
<package: #ProfilerCPP>
^ self

Is this not enough? Why is there a call to mooseDescription? Help appreciated

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu

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