Hello Doru,While porting the VW version of the lattice construction algos, the most adequate representation for VW data structures was provided by Mondrian so I used it.
Now, I'll place them in Moose-Algos-Graph...
Ok for the tests. I'll start creating them now.
I'll commit another version in the evening.thanxUsmanOn Wed, Oct 19, 2011 at 11:08 PM, Tudor Girba <tudor@tudorgirba.com> wrote:
I looked a bit more. The code from Lattice and LatticeNode depends on the logic of Mondrian. This should best be replaced with code that exists in Moose-Algos-Graph.
In the meantime I also created the Moose-Tests-Algos-FormalConceptAnalysis package and added it to the configuration.
On 19 Oct 2011, at 22:36, Tudor Girba wrote:
> Hi Usman,
> Please read this email. You just committed another version that broke the build :)
> I fixed it again.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Tudor Girba <tudor@tudorgirba.com>
>> Subject: fca should not depend on mondrian
>> Date: 19 October 2011 21:23:09 CEST
>> To: Moose-dev Moose Dev <moose-dev@iam.unibe.ch>
>> Hi Usman,
>> I saw that you added the port code to the MooseAlgos repo. Thanks.
>> Now, during your changes, you inherited the Lattice and the Node from MONode.
>> This caused Moose to be unloadable and it is wrong from two points of view:
>> 1. MONode is not meant to be inherited at all. You are supposed to use Mondrian as a transformation from your domain into the internal Mondrian model.
>> 2. MooseAlgos is a basic set of algorithms with no dependencies. Mondrian is higher level. Thus, MooseAlgos cannot depend on Mondrian.
>> For these reasons, I now removed the inheritance from MONode.
>> Furthermore, we also need tests for FCA.
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>> --
>> www.tudorgirba.com
>> "No matter how many recipes we know, we still value a chef."
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
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