Begin forwarded message:From: Stéphane Ducasse <>Subject: [Esug-list] ESUG 2018 Call for PresentationsDate: February 18, 2018 at 8:55:15 AM GMT+1To: ESUG Mailing list <>______________________________________________________________________________________________Please distribute around :)Call-for-Presentations 26rd International Smalltalk Joint ConferenceThe ESUG board is pleased to announce that the 26th ESUG conference/summer-school will be held in Cagliari, Italy 10-14 September 2018; with Camp Smalltalk 8-9 September 2018. The conference is co-organized by University of Cagliari and the Agile Group of the faculty of computer science.This call includes:- Developer Forum- Smalltalk Technology Award- International Workshop Student Volunteer can support the ESUG conference in many different ways:===============================================- Sponsor the conference. New sponsoring packages are described at- Submit a talk, a software or a paper to one of the events. See below.- Attend the conference. We'd like to beat the previous record of attendance.Students can get free registration and hosting if they enrol into the the Student Volunteers program. See below.Developers Forum: International Smalltalk Developers ConferenceCall For Participation================We are looking for YOUR experience on using Smalltalk. You will have 30 min for presentations and 45-60 min for hand-ons tutorial.The list of topics for the normal talks and tutorials includes, but is not limited to the following:-Micro Services, Container, Cloud, Big Data,-XP practices, Development tools, Experience reports-Model driven development, Web development, Team management-Meta-Modeling, Security, New libraries and frameworks-Educational material, Embedded systems and robotics-SOA and Web services, Interaction with other programming languages-Teaching Pearls and Show us Your Business-Show your business 10 min session (Get prepared!!)How to submit?============Submissions deadline is 15 of June 2018Notification of acceptance will be on done on the fly.Pay attention: the places are limited so do not wait till the last minute to apply. Prospective presenters should submit a request to Stephane.Ducasse[at]inria.frAND USE THE following header [ESUG 2018 Developers] Title:Please follow the template below the email will be automatically processed!Name:Email:Abstract:Bio:Any presentation not respecting this form will be discarded automatically.International Workshop on Smalltalk Technologies======================================Technology Award Competition========================The top 3 teams with the most innovative software will receive, respectively, 500 Euros, 300 Euros and 200 Euros during an awards ceremony at the conference. Developers of any Smalltalk-based software are welcome to compete. More information at Volunteer Program=====================If you are a student wanting to attend ESUG, have you considered being a student volunteer? Student volunteers help keep the conference running smoothly; in return, they have free accommodations, while still having most of the time to enjoy the conference. More information atWe hope to see you there and have fun together.--------------------------------------------Stéphane Ducasse03 59 35 87 52Assistant: Julie JonasFAX 03 59 57 78 50TEL 03 59 35 86 16S. Ducasse - Inria40, avenue Halley,Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park PlazaVilleneuve d'Ascq 59650France
Esug-list mailing listéphane Ducasse03 59 35 87 52Assistant: Julie JonasFAX 03 59 57 78 50TEL 03 59 35 86 16S. Ducasse - Inria40, avenue Halley,Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park PlazaVilleneuve d'Ascq 59650France
Esug-list mailing list
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