So what has to be done to have one's custom Glamour browser in Seaside?
- subclass SGLComponent
- define #browser and #model
- registerAsApplication: 'my/custom/app'
This steps are all you need to do.
I am not sure how to use SGLDefaultComponent
SGLDefaultComponent allows you to register browser in Seaside on the fly(you don't have to use it directly). It is a component that registers with Seaside at 'glamour/pluggable' and displays the browser found in its class variable SGLBrowser.
For example the following code will create a browser and register it at 'glamour/pluggable' by using SGLDefaultComponent. This way you can easily see you browsers in Seaside without having to do the steps you mention above.
browser := GLMTabulator new.
browser row: #aRow.
browser transmit to: #aRow; andShow: [:a | a list].
browser registerInSeasideOn: (1 to: 10).