2015-07-22 7:40 GMT+02:00 Peter Uhnák <i.uhnak@gmail.com>:On another note...why no inspector support?[[[TLVisualization>>gtInspectorVisualizationIn: aComposite<gtInspectorPresentationOrder: -1>self generate.aComposite roassal2title: 'Visualization';initializeView: [ self generator view ]]]]Because you cannot just open a Visualization like that; it requires some datas.
Why build a completely new layer of indirection with different API instead of improving and extending Roassal (=Telescope alongside Roassal instead of on top of it)? It seems like a lot of effort went into creating it while it would have had bigger and better impact in Roassal...
Because we created Telescope when we had to move from Roassal to Roassal2 and at this time Roassal2 was not supporting a Mondrian like syntax so we tried to create an equivalent powerful syntax than Mondrian with an object oriented approach