
Just to share a small script. Nothing new in it, but I find it cool.

Each dot is a method. The X-axis is the time, and the Y-axis is the number of lines of code defined in a method.
We can see some picks, illustrating moments in the life of Roassal for which many methods of different sizes have been added.

methods := RTObject withAllSubclasses flatCollect: #methods.
methods := methods reject: [ :m | m numberOfLinesOfCode > 150 ].
oldestMethod := methods minFor: #date.

b := RTGrapher new.

ds := RTDataSet new.
ds dotShape circle size: 5; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.1).
ds interaction popup.
ds points: methods.
ds y: #numberOfLinesOfCode.
ds x: [ :m | m date julianDayNumber - oldestMethod date julianDayNumber ].
b add: ds.

b axisY title: 'LOC'; noDecimal.

b axisX
title: '';
labelRotation: -30;
numberOfTicks: 10;
numberOfLabels: 10;
labelConvertion: [ :v | (Date julianDayNumber: v + oldestMethod date julianDayNumber) ].
b build

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu