Hi Doru!

Thank you. I think I am done with that part. For now I wrote for UML diagrams method GLMBrowser>>umlClassWithTitle:view:nodes:forEachInstanceVariable:methods:

It is a temporal solution. When we find a good replacement for complex shapes, I will use it.


2013/5/25 Tudor Girba <tudor@tudorgirba.com>
Hi Juraj,

Yes, these have to be ported as well. The viewAnnouncements and viewTree visualizations should look like those from:

As you see, they are derived from a UML diagram, so it will be fun because they require some sort of a FormsBuilder in which you can add children :).

GLMBrowser is the superclass of all Glamour browsers, and you find them everywhere in the Moose image.

Here are some examples:

MooseFinder new
        openOn: MooseModel root;
        with: [ :finder | finder first explore ].

GLMExamplesBrowser new
        openOn: GLMBasicExamples;
        with: [ :browser | browser first explore ]


On May 24, 2013, at 11:23 PM, Juraj Kubelka <juraj.kubelka@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> First, should I move methods #viewAnnouncements, #viewSketch, #viewTree of GLMBrowser intro Roassal?
> Second, how can I use this tool and these methods? Can you give me an example?
> Thank you,
> Jura
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