I think this is an important synchronization mechanism, and we should try to keep it going. It takes only a couple of minutes to write down what you have done.

### Here's what I've been up to since the last WhatsUp:

- Consolidated Moose 5.0 (it's now working fully in Pharo 3.0)
- Cleaned the Moose issue tracker
- Looked into the problem related to SpecDebugger requiring Spec inspector. Unfortunately, the problem is still not solved. A little story is described here:
- Reviewed and improved GTDebugger (with Andrei)
- Installed GTInspector and GTDebugger as default tools in the Moose image (with Andrei). A preview screenshot is available here:

### What's next, until 2013-11-30 (*):
- Work on the GTDebugger to make it even sexier
- Build a simple overview visualization for software systems
- Translate the Moose book into Pillar



"Every thing has its own flow"