
When creating a visualization with Roassal in a Glamour browser, the popup view is shown behind the entity on which popup is invoked. Here is the code to reproduce:

| browser |
browser := GLMTabulator withStatusbar.
browser column: #visu.
browser transmit to: #visu; andShow: [ :a |
a roassal 
painting: [:view :number | 
|  popupView inner  aView outerElement| 
popupView := ROView new.
aView := view raw.
outerElement :=  (ROElement on: 'Outer').
popupView add: (ROElement new extent: 50@50; model: 'popup')+ (ROBox new color: Color blue).
inner := (ROElement sprite) + (ROBox new borderWidth: 1; color: (Color gray: 0.9)); extent: 150@100.
outerElement add: inner.
inner @ (ROPopupView new view: popupView).
aView add: outerElement.
browser openOn: 42.

Although the problem does not occur without Glamour:

|  popupView inner  aView outerElement| 
popupView := ROView new.
aView := ROView new.
outerElement :=  (ROElement on: 'Outer').
popupView add: (ROElement new extent: 50@50; model: 'popup')+ (ROBox new color: Color blue).
inner := (ROElement sprite) + (ROBox new borderWidth: 1; color: (Color gray: 0.9)); extent: 150@100.
outerElement add: inner.
inner @ (ROPopupView new view: popupView).
aView add: outerElement.
aView open

Is this a bug or do I need to set some property for my nodes?



Inline image 8Inline image 7Inline image 6Inline image 5