> Martin
> On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 6:27 PM, Tudor Girba <
tudor.girba@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> It is time to synchronize on what are the plans for Moose. Here is the roadmap for the next months. The first target is the release of 4.4 in 12 days.
> Suggestions, opinions, and participations are always welcome :)
> Moose 4.4
> - main goal: strengthen the generic engines lineup
> - release date: May 1
> - based on Pharo 1.2.1
> - to contain:
> --- EyeSee
> --- Mondrian with ComplexShapes
> --- Metanool
> - ideally, it should also contain:
> --- a working version of VerveineJ
> Moose 5
> - main goal: the move to the web
> - release date: August 30
> - to contain:
> --- EyeSee and Mondrian bindings to SVG/JavaScript (probably protovis)
> --- Glamour with improved Seaside rendering
> --- Dashboard in Glamour
> --- Wizard in Glamour
> --- improved IDE for building/coding Arki reports
> - ideally it should also contain:
> --- SQL parser (Fabrizio? :))
> --- Glamorous Toolkit
> --- Kumpel
> --- GitFS?
> - others?
> Cheers,
> Doru
> --
> "Problem solving efficiency grows with the abstractness level of problem understanding."
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