
Yes, there is. Groups are expensive, so for longer computations we want to work with raw collections.

Groups are more useful when we get in the UI. You can always pass asMooseGroup to any object when you script. For annotated methods (properties), they should return groups. So, for groups we have methods like:

<navigation: 'Methods'>
withAll: self methods
withDescription: 'Methods from ' , self mooseName


On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 8:21 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.ducasse@inria.fr> wrote:

> I do not understand why it is not called #allSubclasses
> Returning a group of famixclass seems to be what one would expect no?

indeed we could also add a group.
Is there is a convention to create groups or not?

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