This is not really what I want to do :)
It is not a presentation that I want to update, but the browser itself.
You basically want to update a presentation which, given that you talk about rows, seems to be a table.
In this case, you have two options:
1. register to an announcement from your model:
a table
updateOn: YourAnnouncement from: [ :entity | "computation of the announcer" ];
2. in case the model does not offer announcements, you can just manually trigger an update:
a table
act: [ :table | table update ] entitled: 'Refresh'
When an update is sent (either directly or indirectly via announcements), the complete table is refreshed.
Does that help?
On 31 May 2010, at 15:10, Cyrille Delaunay wrote:
I have a browser, which is a GLMTabulator.
I would like to dynamically change its number of rows.
Is there a way to do that?
My idea was:
Every time I want to update my browser, I delete all existing rows and rebuild the ones i want. Is it possible?
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