Tudor Girba wrote:
What is missing?


My grid is not equally spaced. 

The screenshot I posted yesterday as an attachment got held up as being too large, so here is a link...

Using ESScatterPlot leave gaps between the grid, so ESMatrixDiagram would have more potential as a heatmap, but it would need to be modified so that the grid is not uniform.
I guess that #createElements would be the place to do that.  I will look further into that later since for my need-right-now, for demonstration purpose, I got close enough using ESScatterPlot. 

btw, here is some background info related to the charts...
Electrical motors are fed via cables.  Both of these generate heat that is 
effectively energy lost, which costs money.  For a given mechanical load, the 
the voltage at the motor terminals and the motor efficiency determine the amount 
of electrical current that flows in the cable.  The current in the cable causes 
a voltage drop in the cable, affecting the voltage at the motor terminals, which 
in turn affects the current in the cable.  

A cable with a bigger cross-sectional-area reduces the cable resistance and 
voltage drop, which reduces energy loss, saving money in operation - but costs 
more in capital expense up front.  Bigger motors are more efficient but also 
cost more.  To optimize this we compare the annual cost of capital interest 
payments with annual cost of energy loss.  These first three vertical charts, on 
the left, are for different size cables.  The three on the right are the same 
for different size motors.

The heatmap is effectively the combination of the Cable and Motor "Cost Benefit" 
charts at the bottom.  The heatmap has "Cable Size" (cross-section in mm2) on 
the x-axis and "Motor Size" (rated Power in kiloWatts) on the y-axis.  The green 
colouring shows the cost optimum combination of cable and motor sizes - mostly 
affected by cable size.

cheers -ben

On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Ben Coman <btc@openinworld.com> wrote:

Thanks Doru.  That is close to what I need.

cheers -ben

Tudor Girba wrote:


You can use the ESMatrixDiagram available in EyeSee.

You can see some examples in ESExamples:


On Apr 7, 2013, at 4:43 PM, Ben Coman <btc@openinworld.com> <btc@openinworld.com> wrote:

 Ben Coman wrote:

 I have two sets of data X & Y, which for all combinations of (x@y) I calculate a third value z, which ends up represented as a collection of "points associated with a value eg (x@y)->z)."

I'd like to chart this as a heat map - very much like a Scatterplot but each point '(x@y)' has its pixel color dependent on 'z'.

Any ideas how to go about this with EyeSee ?

cheers -ben
Moose-dev mailing listMoose-dev@iam.unibe.chhttps://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/moose-dev

       I worked this out.  Just for the archives, here it is...
where chartData is a collection of associations of the form (x@y)->z ...

      minCost := (chartData collect: [ :x | x value ]) min.
      maxCost := (chartData collect: [ :x | x value ]) max.
      costRange := maxCost - minCost.
      colorBlock := [ :z| | colorIndex | colorIndex := (((z- 1 - minCost) / (costRange )) * (colorChoices size) ) asInteger + 1 ] .

      colorChoices := ((Color green darkShades: 4) reverse allButLast: 1) asOrderedCollection . "Greater differentiation near optimum"
      colorChoices addAll: ((Color blue darkShades: 10) reverse allButLast: 3 ) asOrderedCollection .  "Remove blacks from the  middle"
      colorChoices addAll:   ( (Color red darkShades: 10) reverse ) asOrderedCollection. "Fade to black"
      colorDict := Dictionary keys: (1 to: colorChoices size) asOrderedCollection values: colorChoices.                            renderer compositeDiagram
          add: (costBenefitDiagram := ESScatterPlot new) .
                        costBenefitDiagram              models: chartData ;
          x: [ :data | data key x ] ;
          y: [ :data | data key y ] ;
          color:  [ :data | colorBlock value: data value ] ;  "data value is z"
          colorDict: colorDict ;
          valueAxis ;
          xAxisLabel: 'mm2' ;
          yAxisLabel: 'kW' ;
          rotatedLabels: true ;
          addXDecorator: ESValueLabelDecorator new .
cheers -ben

Moose-dev mailing listMoose-dev@iam.unibe.chhttps://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/moose-dev


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