| map locations rawData rawData2 rawData3 |
map := RTMapBuilder new.
map countries: #('UnitedStates' 'Canada' 'Mexico').
map color: Color veryVeryLightGray.
rawData := DBPediaSearch universitiesInUS.
rawData2 := ((NeoJSONReader fromString: rawData) at: #results) at: #bindings.
rawData3 := rawData2 select: [ :d | d keys includesAll: #('label' 'long' 'lat') ] thenCollect: [ :d | { (Float readFrom: ((d at: 'long') at: 'value')) . (Float readFrom: ((d at: 'lat') at: 'value')) . (d at: 'label' ) at: 'value' } ].
locations := rawData3.
locations do: [ :array |
map cities addCityNamed: array third location: array second @ array first ].
map cities shape size: 8; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.03).
map cities: (locations collect: #third).
map scale: 2.
map render.
map view openInWindowSized: 1000 @ 500.
This is what you get:
This is a small example. Naturally, adding popup for locations is trivial to add.
I have described this on our Facebook page:
Hernán, since SPARQL is a bit obscure, it would be great if you could add some more example, and also, how to parametrize the examples. For example, now we can get data for the US, how to modify your example to get them for France or Chile?
On Mar 2, 2014, at 3:43 PM, Hernán Morales Durand <
hernan.morales@gmail.com> wrote:
I have uploaded a new configuration so you can query the english Wikipedia dataset from Pharo 3 using SPARQL. Some examples follow:
1) Retrieve in JSON movies from the beautiful Julianne Moore:
| jsonResults |
jsonResults := DBPediaSearch new
timeout: 5000;
query: 'SELECT DISTINCT ?filmName WHERE {
?film foaf:name ?filmName .
?film dbpedia-owl:starring ?actress .
?actress foaf:name ?name.
FILTER(contains(?name, "Julianne"))
FILTER(contains(?name, "Moore"))
To actually get only the titles using NeoJSON:
((((NeoJSONReader fromString: jsonResults) at: #results) at: #bindings)
collect: [ : entry | entry at: #filmName ]) collect: [ : movie | movie at: #value ]
2) Retrieve in XML which genre plays those crazy Dream Theater guys :
DBPediaSearch new
timeout: 5000;
query: 'SELECT DISTINCT ?genreLabel
?resource dbpprop:genre ?genre.
?resource rdfs:label "Dream Theater"@en.
?genre rdfs:label ?genreLabel
FILTER (lang(?genreLabel)="en")
LIMIT 100';
More examples are available in DBPediaSearch class side. You can install it from the Configuration Browser.
If you want to contribute, just ask me and you will be added as contributor.
Best regards,
Pharo-business mailing list
Alexandre Bergel