Hi Andre,

distribution maps are cool. I just added them to AspectMaps as an alternate visualization and I think some of the ideas could be applied to your visualization as well. You have a large amount of classes, making it difficult to get an overview / navigate. In AspectMaps this is addressed as follows: you start from a high level view on packages and then zoom in where you want, revealing more detail.

An example is below. The distribution map shows for each aspect where it applies, so for example in the first hierarchy root the two squares mean that the blue aspect applies twice. By clicking on it you get a zoomed in view, in the example these are Robot and Player. (here instvars = diamonds, methods = rectangles) There you see the same, but at method granularity. (I have no packages in this example, you can imagine what it looks like). 

In my experience, this allows you to quickly pinpoint interesting namespaces / classes / methods by interacting with the visualization.

Also, I dont put borders around the distribution map rectangles, as there is no information conveyed by the borders they add clutter.

On 11 May 2011, at 12:04, Andre Hora wrote:


I just created some visualizations (Marcus's idea) using DistributionMap with SmallLint rules to check how distributed are the lint problems in a class. I enclosed some figures with the distribution for some packages of Moose.
So, the small boxes represent methods. The red color is a method with more than 3 lint problems, the orange 2 problems, green 1 problem and white no problem.
We can clearly see a lot of "lint problems" in Famix package. Of course, we have some false-positives mainly for Glamour and Mondrian as we can check in [1].

Btw, I also created a job in Hudson to generate a simple report with smallLint rules in Moose (and Pharo):
Job: https://pharo-ic.lille.inria.fr/hudson/view/LintReport/job/LintReportMoose
Report: https://pharo-ic.lille.inria.fr/hudson/view/LintReport/job/LintReportMoose/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/Moose-WithLint/AllPackages-Simple.xml


[1] Lukas Renggli, Stéphane Ducasse, Tudor Gîrba and Oscar Nierstrasz, “Domain-Specific Program Checking,” Proceedings of the 48th International Conference on Objects, Models, Components and Patterns (TOOLS’10)

Andre Hora

Moose-dev mailing list

Johan Fabry   
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile