Hi,Nice project.You should probably take into consideration that FM3PropertyDescription is an object representing a property. For example:class := FAMIXClass new numberOfLinesOfCode: 42.loc := class mooseDescription allAttributes detect: [ :each | each name = #numberOfLinesOfCode ].class mmGetProperty: loc==> 42A possible route would be to add extra constraints (for example related to the type) to this object.Another option would be to have the numberOfLinesOfCode method return a linesOfText unit. This implies that code like:group inject: 0 into: [:sum :each | sum + each numberOfLinesOfCode]would break. We can live with this and fix the breaking places, but it should be a thing to consider.Cheers,DoruOn Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 11:32 AM, Guillaume Larcheveque <guillaume.larcheveque@gmail.com> wrote:
Currently, there is no object in my knowledge to represent a metric in Moose. I would like to have this kind of object to ask it for example the name of the metric, a description, the associated selector...Ideally this object should have the same behaviour than Unit framework; it should resolve units for example if you divide number of bugs by lines of code, you should get numberOfBugs.linesOfCode^(-1); then if you multiply this by line of code to get the estimated average value you get numberOfBugs...If I missed an existing implementation close to this, thank you very much in advance to indicate me otherwise I will create a project for this and you are welcome to contribute.
Guillaume Larcheveque
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