
If you're heading to make "Roassal the best visualizing engine of the Universe" then what are your intentions with connecting it to the outer world ?

This is a rather broad question :-)
While our visualizations are meant to run in a standard Smalltalk environment, they are exportable to HTML. Interaction are also preserved. Here are two simple examples:


And a larger and more complex example is in the file 
check the file Example.pillar.html

 Will it remain a multiplatform toolbox ? Or are you heading towards a BI desktop or Web app ?

Roassal will remain closely linked to Smalltalk (VisualWorks & Pharo).








28 Av Alphonse Denis
83400 Hyères, France
+33 676411296 


> "Alexandre Bergel" <alexandre.bergel@me.com> |

Dear all,

As many of you know, Grapher is a über-cool charting engine, part of Roassal.
For people who do not know what Grapher is, here is a (compelling we hope) example:
Which is obtained by the following script:
| b colors points ds pts dec lb |
b := RTGrapher new.
colors := Array with: Color red with: Color blue.
points := OrderedCollection new.

colors do: [ :c |
ds := RTStackedDataSet new.
pts := ((1 to: 100) collect: [ :i | 50 atRandom - 25 ]) cumsum.
points add: pts.
ds points: pts.
dec := RTDevVarDecorator new.
dec moveBehind;
desviation: 0.5;
color: (c alpha: 0.3);
points: pts.
ds connectUsing: (RTLine new color: (c alpha: 0.5); width: 1 ).
b add: ds.
b addDecorator: dec.

b axisX; axisY.
b build.

lb := RTLegendBuilder new.
lb view: b view.
colors doWithIndex: [ :c :i | 
lb addColor: c text: 'Series  ', i printString ].
lb build.
b view @ RTZoomableView.
b view

In our grand vision of making Roassal the best visualizing engine of the Universe (we also know to be modest time to time, but not today :-), Grapher will play a very important role. We would like to stabilize Grapher and make it sure it happily fits everybody needs. You can help on it:

- When you are tempted to look at the dark side of the planet (this is where R, JFreeChart, gnuplot, D3 and all their friends live), let us know. We will make sure to make you are happy again.

- Share your wishlist with us. We already have a long todo list, but your opinion does matter and will take it seriously

- we are open to contributions, which could be financial, bug fixe, enhancement, or simply encouragement.

I am very happy to be surrounded by very smart engineers. Your encouragement are making them happy :-)

Alexandre, in the name of the Object Profile Team
NB: sorry for the cross-list posting, but this email is very important for us, and for you we hope.

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu
