Hi Nicolai,
All glamour browser open on a model object. The display block is used to extract from that model object the actual object that would be displayed.
In the case of a tree presentation the display block should return the initial roots of three. So you can open the browser on any object, and then the display block would get that object as a parameter and return a list of objects that would be used as the roots of the tree.
For example, you could write 'browser openOn: FileSystem disk' and then have a display block that extracts the working directory from the file system (display: [ :filesystem | filesystem workingDirectory ];)
The whole example would look like:
browser := GLMTabulator new.
column: #tree;
column: #text.
browser transmit
to: #tree;
andShow: [ :a |
a tree
title: 'FS';
display: [ :filesystem | filesystem workingDirectory ];
format: [ :item | item basename ];
children: [ :item |
item isDirectory
ifFalse: [ #() ]
ifTrue: [ item children ] ] ].
browser openOn: FileSystem disk