
I'm trying to understand the code behind the figure here to rotate labels:

So, I made a minimal example to start with, here (code is at http://ws.stfx.eu/N6ZG4BAIBO00 )

Now I would like to rotate the text to made it look like the first image. I presume that the code that made this possible for the first case is this one:

RTBundleBuilder>>createLabelFor: e view: aView
    | lbl |
    lbl := label elementOn: e model.
    self interaction setUpElement: lbl.
    aView add: lbl.
    e addCallback: (TRTranslationCallback new block: [
        | angle |
        angle := (e position - center ) theta.
        lbl translateTo: e position+((lbl trachelShape notRotatedWidth/2) * (angle cos @ angle sin)).
        angle := angle radiansToDegrees.
        angle := angle + ((angle between: 90 and: 270)  ifTrue: [ 180 ] ifFalse: [ 0 ]).
        lbl trachelShape angleInDegree: angle ] ).
    e translateTo: e position.

but I can not quite understand the lines

lbl translateTo: e position+((lbl trachelShape notRotatedWidth/2) * (angle cos @ angle sin)).


angle := angle + ((angle between: 90 and: 270)  ifTrue: [ 180 ] ifFalse: [ 0 ]).

Could some body explain me how to incorporate rotation to the first basic example at http://ws.stfx.eu/N6ZG4BAIBO00 (second image of this mail).

