I’ve worked a bit on the composition.
So far, we have three ways to compose shapes:
1 - RTCompositeShape. This is the composition that is used with +
| v s1 s2 e |
v := RTView new.
s1 := RTBox new size: #yourself; color: Color blue.
s2 := RTEllipse new size: [ :value | value / 2 ]; color: Color red.
e := (RTCompositeShape with: s1 with: s2) elementOn: 50.
v add: e.
2 - RTHorizontalCompositeShape
Here is the effect of replacing RTCompositeShape
by RTHorizontalCompositeShape in the previous example
3 - RTVerticalCompositeShape
All the shapes composed with RTCompositeShape have the same
At first glance that seems a little restrictive. I immediately think of
trying to make a bulleye target as a composite of concentric circles of
different sizes. Though I can't think of any other examples off hand.
This is useful for example if you do: (RTBox new + RTLabel)
elementOn: ‘Hello World’. You typically want the label and the box have
the same size. When you want to line up shapes, I guess you do not care
of having all the shapes of the same size.
This new behavior for horizontal and vertical should address
what you need Leo.
The nice thing, in my opinion, is that we should be able to have
any kind of strategy, for example, a grid of shapes. This is really a
matter of small programming.
Let me know if this is what you expect. Just update Roassal for
On Apr 25, 2014, at 5:55 AM, Leo Perard <
On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 10:00 PM, Alexandre
Bergel <alexandre.bergel@me.com> wrote:
How can I reproduce this bug? What do you do exactly?
With this example you can reproduce it easily :
view := RTView new.
box := RTBox new color: Color green.
label := RTLabel new.
el := (RTCompositeShape new shape1: box; shape2: label).
el := (RTHorizontalCompositeShape new shape1: el; shape2: (RTEllipse
new color: Color red)) elementOn: 'Hello World'.
view add: el.
view addMenu: 'Color' callback: [ el shape shape2 color: Color blue. el
update. view signalUpdate ].
view open
And even if I don't have a composite shape composed with another
composite shape, the update is not good.
Leo Perard
Moose-dev mailing list
Alexandre Bergel
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