On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 6:26 AM, Fabrizio Perin <fabrizio.perin@gmail.com> wrote:
>> - The visiting of method ASTs happens in the SmalltalkMethodVisitor which is triggered by SmalltalkImporter>>createMethod:. It is this visitor which is the responsible for triggering the creation of low-level objects like invocations and accesses.
> Yes.
The SmalltalkImporter>>createMethod: need as parameter acompiledMethod which is evidently a MethodNode since RBMethodNode do not implement the methodClass which is invoked in createMethod:
So, am I missing something? Should I use another parser other than PPSmalltalkParser?

I think SmalltalkImporter is coded to pull the code directly out of Pharo/Moose - that is, Smalltalk code already in the image, so it uses MethodNode.  Since you are not actually loading it into Moose in a runable format, but instead parsing it, you don't have MethodNode.

I think you should extend RBMethodNode with the methods that are needed to satisfy SmalltalkImporter - this will make future handling of other Smalltalk sources much nicer.
