| view shape element els |
view := RTView new.
shape := (RTVerticalCompositeShape new
shape1: RTBox new;
shape2: RTLabel new;
element := shape elementOn: 'Container'.
els := (RTEllipse new size: 10; color: (Color blue alpha: 0.5)) elementsOn: (1 to: 16).
view add: element; addAll: els.
element @ RTDraggable.
RTNest new layout: RTGridLayout; on: element nest: els.
view open
- on some layouts there is a "lag" when you re-apply a layout
| view shape elements |
view := RTView new.
shape := (RTHorizontalCompositeShape new
shape1: (RTBox new width: 40; height: 30);
shape2: (RTEllipse new size: 15; color: Color red);
elements := shape elementsOn: (1 to: 30).
view addAll: elements.
buildEdgesFromObjects: (1 to: 30)
from: [ :v | v // 2 ]
to: #yourself
inView: view.
RTHorizontalTreeLayout on: elements.
view canvas addMenu: 'Layout' callback: [ RTHorizontalTreeLayout new translator: RTSmoothLayoutTranslator new; on: elements ].
view open
This example does not have any sense but in my project the graph is generate dynamicly so I have to apply a layout anytime there is a new element ans this "lag" is strange
- RTHorizontalAttachPoint does not work
| view shape elements |
view := RTView new.
shape := (RTHorizontalCompositeShape new
shape1: (RTBox new width: 40; height: 30);
shape2: (RTEllipse new size: 15; color: Color red);
elements := shape elementsOn: (1 to: 30).
view addAll: elements.
buildEdgesFromObjects: (1 to: 30)
from: [ :v | v // 2 ]
to: #yourself
using: (RTLine new attachPoint: RTHorizontalAttachPoint new; color: Color blue)
inView: view.
RTHorizontalTreeLayout on: elements.
view canvas addMenu: 'Layout' callback: [ RTHorizontalTreeLayout new translator: RTSmoothLayoutTranslator new; on: elements ].
view open
For now I have found this bugs. If I find more, I will report them here ;-)
Leo Perard
University of Lille 1