Oh yeah, it worked :D !

Thank you very much!

On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 1:22 PM, Tudor Girba <tudor@tudorgirba.com> wrote:

This is the part of glamour i am not satisfied with.

Currently, you have to start the browser explicitly. Try something like:

browser transmit
   to: #somePane;
   andShow: [ :a |
       a dynamic presentation: [ :some :element | some custom:
(element buildCustomBrowser startOn: 'something')  ]


On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 4:14 PM, Guillermo Polito
<guillermopolito@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a browser where I do something like:
> browser transmit
>     to: #somePane;
>     andShow: [ :a |
>         a dynamic presentation: [ :some :element | some custom: element
> buildCustomBrowser ]
>     ]
> And then, I have implemented #buildCustomBrowser for example as:
> buildCustomBrowser
>     | browser |
>     browser := GLMTabulator new.
>     browser row: #tables.
>     browser transmit
>         to: #tables;
>         andShow: [ :a |
>     a table
>         title: ('Columns for {1}' format: { table name });
>         addColumn: (GLMTableColumn new title: 'Column name'; computation:
> #name);
>         addColumn: (GLMTableColumn new title: 'Null'; computation: [ :column
> | column nullable asString ]);
>         addColumn: (GLMTableColumn new title: 'Type'; computation: [ :column
> | column typeName asString ]);
>         addColumn: (GLMTableColumn new title: 'Length'; computation: [
> :column | column length asString ]);
>         addColumn: (GLMTableColumn new title: 'Primary Key'; computation: [
> :column | column isPrimaryKey asString ]);
>         display: self columns;
>         yourself.
>     ].
>      ^browser
> And It does not render the table :(.  If I change it to something like:
> buildCustomBrowser
>     | browser |
>     browser := GLMTablePresentation new.
>     browser
>         title: ('Columns for {1}' format: { table name });
>         addColumn: (GLMTableColumn new title: 'Column name'; computation:
> #name);
>         addColumn: (GLMTableColumn new title: 'Null'; computation: [ :column
> | column nullable asString ]);
>         addColumn: (GLMTableColumn new title: 'Type'; computation: [ :column
> | column typeName asString ]);
>         addColumn: (GLMTableColumn new title: 'Length'; computation: [
> :column | column length asString ]);
>         addColumn: (GLMTableColumn new title: 'Primary Key'; computation: [
> :column | column isPrimaryKey asString ]);
>         display: self columns.
>      ^browser
> It works, but I can't have several presentations for the same object... :(
> I tried debugging the code, but I get lost and lost a lot of time without
> figuring anything :(.
> Is there a way to do this? any workaround?  or is it a bug or it is
> ignorance from my side?
> Thanks!
> Guille
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