OrderedCollection [ GrafoscopioNode { #header : 'Example 1', #key : '', #body : 'This is just an example of a \"notebook\" concept I\'m exploring in Pharo Smalltalk.\rThe idea is to have nested nodes that can be tagged and they behave and show\raccording to the tags.\r\rFor example, this node has children nodes tag as \'c\u00F3digo\' (code), to tell the notebook\rthey\'re Smalltalk code and can be executed. Visit them to see the changes in interface.\r\rAuto-updating for this panel is not working, so if you tag a node, you will need to revisit\rit to see the changes.', #children : OrderedCollection [ GrafoscopioNode { #header : 'El aburrido hola mundo!', #key : '', #body : '\"Esto deber\u00EDa mostrar \'hola mundo!\' en un Transcript.\"\r', #children : OrderedCollection [ ], #parent : @2, #level : 2 } ], #parent : GrafoscopioNode { #header : 'Arbol principal', #key : '', #body : '', #children : @1, #level : 0, #nodesInPreorder : OrderedCollection [ @6, @2, @4, GrafoscopioNode { #header : 'Narraciones', #key : '', #body : 'S\u00F3lo probando.', #children : OrderedCollection [ GrafoscopioNode { #header : 'Un cuento', #key : '', #body : 'nil', #tags : 'original', #children : OrderedCollection [ ], #parent : @8, #level : 2 } ], #parent : @6, #level : 1 }, @10 ] }, #level : 1 }, @8 ] #parent : @6, #level : 1 }, @10 ] }, #level : 1 }, @8 ]