Sorry for taking long to answer. 

You can particularize the popup using popupText:
Here is an example
    | b classes normalizer |
            b := RTCharterBuilder new.
            b extent: 400 @ 200.
            classes := RTShape withAllSubclasses.
            normalizer := RTMultiLinearColorForIdentity new objects: classes.
            classes do: [ :c |
                        | data |
                        data := (c methods reverseSortedAs: #numberOfLinesOfCode ).
                        b interaction popupText: [ :aMethod | 'Method ', aMethod selector, ' which is ', aMethod numberOfLinesOfCode printString, ' long' ].
                        b shape rectangle color: (normalizer rtValue: c).
                        b points: data.
                        b connectDotColor: (normalizer rtValue: c).

            b allY: #numberOfLinesOfCode.
            b stackX.

            b axisXWithNumberOfTicks: 3.
            b axisYWithNumberOfTicks: 4.
            b open.

and its screenshot:

I had no problem using "b view @ RTZoomableView”. Maybe the version you had in August 1 did not work. But the last version of Roassal works well.

I made the following video:

Regarding the date, yes, this is something interesting.
However it is not supported for now. I am not quite sure how to do it. The immediate solution, is to convert the date into a numerical value.

Here are some examples:
methods := RTObject withAllSubclasses flatCollect: #methods.
greatestAge := (methods collect: [ :m | m date asUnixTime ]) min.

b := RTCharterBuilder new.
b extent: 300 @ 300.
b shape circle color: (Color red alpha: 0.3); size: 5.
b points: methods.
b x: [ :m | (m date asUnixTime - greatestAge) / 3600 ] .
b y: #numberOfLinesOfCode.

b axisXWithNumberOfTicks: 4.
b axisYWithNumberOfTicks: 4.
b open

| methodsRoassal methodsTrachel greatestAge b | 
methodsRoassal := RTObject withAllSubclasses flatCollect: #methods.
methodsTrachel := TRObject withAllSubclasses flatCollect: #methods.

methodsRoassal := methodsRoassal select: [ :m | m numberOfLinesOfCode < 300 ].
methodsTrachel := methodsTrachel select: [ :m | m numberOfLinesOfCode < 300 ].

greatestAge := (methodsTrachel , methodsRoassal collect: [ :m | m date asUnixTime ]) min.

b := RTCharterBuilder new.
b extent: 300 @ 300.
b interaction popup.

b shape circle color: (Color blue alpha: 0.3); size: 5.
b points: methodsRoassal.

b shape circle color: (Color red alpha: 0.3); size: 5.
b points: methodsTrachel.

b allX: [ :m | (m date asUnixTime - greatestAge) / 3600 ] .
b allY: #numberOfLinesOfCode.

b axisXWithNumberOfTicks: 4.
b axisYWithNumberOfTicks: 4.
b open


Alexandre Bergel

On Aug 1, 2014, at 4:48 AM, Blondeau Vincent <> wrote:

Hi Alexandre,
That’s nice!
I succeeded to have the curves with colors and legends :)
But I would like to personalize the popupText when I hover the curve. How can I do that? Because for now it using the default print method?
By another hand, it is possible to zoom in the view by using the mouse wheel? I tried “b view @ RTZoomableView” and it didn’t work.
And the example RTRoassalExample>>exampleScrollZoom is not working either.
And one more thing, can I specify date stamps on x scale instead of array indexes?
De : Alexandre Bergel [] 
Envoyé : vendredi 1 août 2014 01:20
À : Moose-related deve
Cc : Blondeau Vincent
Objet : Re: [Moose-dev] How to show graphs from the Moose panel?
Hi Vincent,
Today I worked on what I hope will be an acceptable solution for you.
I have improved Charter to support coloring and multi-curve.
Try the following:
            | b classes normalizer |
            b := RTCharterBuilder new.
            b extent: 400 @ 200.
            classes := RTShape withAllSubclasses.
            normalizer := RTMultiLinearColorForIdentity new objects: classes.
            classes do: [ :c |
                        | data |
                        data := (c methods reverseSortedAs: #numberOfLinesOfCode ).
                        b interaction popup.
                        b shape rectangle color: (normalizer rtValue: c).
                        b points: data.
                        b connectDotColor: (normalizer rtValue: c).

            b allY: #numberOfLinesOfCode.
            b stackX.

            b axisXWithNumberOfTicks: 3.
            b axisYWithNumberOfTicks: 4.
            b open.
Here is the output:
Each square is a method and shows its source code as tooltip.
Let me know whether this is useful. And if not, how I can help.

On Jul 30, 2014, at 12:01 PM, Blondeau Vincent <> wrote:

Yes by graph I mean curves.
I used GraphET to compare some curves at the same time because Charter is very low level for what I want, and EyeSee is not loaded in Moose.
So with GraphET and 2 or 3 curves that’s manageable.
But if I want to do a graph like that, with 10 curves:
How can I retrieve the names of the curves? Automatic colors and legend? Popups?
Thanks in advance.
Vincent Blondeau
-----Message d'origine-----
De : [] De la part de Alexandre Bergel
Envoyé : jeudi 24 juillet 2014 18:38
À : Moose-related development
Objet : [Moose-dev] Re: How to show graphs from the Moose panel?
What do you mean by graph? Simple curve?
You can use EyeSee or GraphET2.
I have recently started to work on Charter, a Roassal builder to draw graph.
You can try it:
                | b |
                b := RTCharterBuilder new.
                b extent: 400 @ 400.
                b shape ellipse color: (Color blue alpha: 0.5).
                b points: (0.0 to: 1.0 by: 0.05).
                b curve.
                b y: [ :v | v sqrt ].
                b axisXWithNumberOfTicks: 3.
                b axisYWithNumberOfTicks: 4.
                b open.
If you have particular request for Charter, we will implement them.
Charter is still very raw...
On Jul 24, 2014, at 11:15 AM, Blondeau Vincent <> wrote:
> Hello everyone,

> In a former moose version, it was being able to do on a MooseGroup : Browse>>In Eye See Editor.
> Now it is not possible…

> What tool should I use to draw graphs?

> Thanks in advance

> Cheers,

> Vincent BLONDEAU

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Alexandre Bergel


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