
Thanks to Milton and Doru, we have an UML builder in Roassal.

Here is a screenshot:

I have this example:

| b |
b := RTUMLClassBuilder new.
b methodShape label
if: [ :method | method selector beginsWith: 'init' ] color: Color green;
if: [ :method | method selector beginsWith: 'with' ] color: Color red.
b attributeShape label
if: [ :attribute | attribute beginsWith: 'a' ] color: Color blue.
b addObjects: RTShape withAllSubclasses.
b treeLayout; open.


It also works with any arbitrary representation of classes:
| objects b |
objects :=  {
{ 'MyClass' . { #iv1 . #iv2 } . { #method1 . #method2 . #method3 }}  .
{ 'MyClass2' . { #iv2 . #iv2 } . { #method1 . #method2 . #method4 }}  }.

b := RTUMLClassBuilder new.
b attributeShape label if: [ :a | a = #iv1 ] color: Color red.
addObjects: objects;
classname: #first;
instanceVariables: #second;
methodsNames: #third;
methodselector: #yourself;
attributeselector: #yourself;
superclass: nil;

Thanks Milton!

Alexandre Bergel  http://www.bergel.eu